How To Make a Shortcut to Turn off the Monitor

By 08/02/2012How To

Hello lovely people 🙂

Has there been a time when you have wanted – or needed – a shortcut key that will allow you to easily turn off the monitor. I definitely have so that is why we will devote this computer repairs blog to doing exactly that.

While we can use the Win+L combination to lock the screen, it still leaves your monitor on. For anyone with multiple monitors it’s a pain to be turning off power buttons all the time.

How To Make a Shortcut to Turn off the Monitor 1

To begin we’ll show you how to simply power off your monitor, and then how to both lock and power it off.

To create this shortcut, we’ll first need to grab a tiny multi-purpose utility from the folks at NirSoft called NirCmd. This is like a Swiss-army knife tool for your PC and it can perform an amazing array of tasks, including powering off the monitor. All we really need to do is create a shortcut to it.

Right-click anywhere on the desktop and choose New Shortcut:

How To Make a Shortcut to Turn off the Monitor 2Then you’ll want to browse to the location where you saved the nircmd.exe file, and add the following arguments:

“C:pathtonircmd.exe” cmdwait 1000 monitor off

Make sure the path has quotes around it, and then you add the extra arguments, which will wait 1 second before powering off the monitor (otherwise Windows might misinterpret your last keystroke and wake back up).

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Next you can go into the shortcut properties and assign a shortcut key, now just click Change Icon to pick a better one than the one there by default.

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At least in Vista there is a great icon for turning off the monitor, just pick the one that looks *ugly* from the list below.

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Naturally feel free to pick your own icon instead – but in this case, when the icon actually show up on your desk top it’s very bright, modern and shiny.

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How to lock the Workstation Too

You can also create a shortcut that will both lock the workstation and turn off the monitor. Unfortunately the Nircmd way involves far more steps than necessary in Vista, so we have  created a tiny executable called LockAndPowerDown.exe that will do both in one step.

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To install it, simply download and extract the executable, and create a shortcut to it just as you did in the step above. To find the same icon, click on Change Icon, and then paste in “C:WindowsSystem32shell32.dll” into the browse box.

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