If you are a business owner, call us on 1300 883 021 to book a no obligation and no cost meeting. We will come to your office, review your present set up and help you clarify what your business needs for continued growth and smooth operations. We will advise you on what technologies are available, provide you with their costs, expected estimated downtime for installation, expected install schedule, etc. After our visit, you will be well prepared to make the best decision for your business.
You will also be able to enquire about the available ongoing support options. The Managed IT Services option, that is just a more formal name for the same thing, allows you to have a dedicated IT technician (no longer any need to explain the things you do not yourself understand, pay for time spent working out how your system works, etc.) free remote support (90% of all IT problems of our Managed Service Clients are able to be solved remotely), have all your system updates and back-ups monitored 24/7 by sophisticated software, and count on priority treatment if a visit from a technician is required.
Small business setup blog posts