Hello dear readers of our computer repairs blog. Today’s computer repairs theme is Firefox and namely, it’s hidden settings. In Firefox, there are several commands that you type, you can see the information, the browser cache settings and a few and not very useful things. These commands are entered in the address bar without spaces.about: – here is the logo version of Firefox, assembly identity, as well as a few links.
These are:
about: about – is a list of almost all the possible commands Firefox
about: addons – a list of installed plug-ins, extensions and themes.
about: buildconfig – version of the compiler that was used to build Firefox.
about: cache – list of files that are in the browser cache.
about: config – list of browser settings
about: crashes – Crash Reporter Firefox, sent to Mozilla
about: credits – a list of people who participated in the creation of Firefox
about: home – go to homepage
about: license – License Mozilla Public License
about: logo – Firefox logo
about: memory – a list of processes and memory used by them
about: mozilla – Excerpt from “Book of Mozilla»
aboutermissions – managing permissions. Here you can specify individual settings for all sites, and for each individual.
about: plugins – shows a list of all of the included plug-ins
about: privatebrowsing – includes private browsing mode, under which there will continue visiting history, cookies.
about: rights – about user rights
about: robots – comic page contains treatment Robots
about: sessionrestore – recovery session
about: support – technical information about Firefox, which is used in solving problems.
about: sync-log – a list of logs created when syncing Firefox
about: sync-tabs – tabs synchronized list
That is all for now, computer repairs geeks are out .