Hello lovely people 🙂
Windows Vista users will probably have noticed that the short cut icons have huge arrows on them. You may not want to see these rather unsightly things, and if that is the case, read on.
In this computer repairs blog we will be learning how to disable the arrows and send them where they came from.
Note: We have tested this and it works perfectly in Windows 7 32-bit as well, but does not work in 64-bit.. Here is some before and after pictures so you will know what to expect:
Here is how it looks in default:
And here it is with the Shortcut Arrow Removed:
Our preferred method: Using Vista Shortcut Overlay Remover utility
There is a small free utility you can download from Frameworkx.com that easily allows you to remove the shortcut arrows and not have to perform any registry patches….. We will now show you how easy it is.
Simply download and install the 32-bit Vista Shortcut Overlay Remover from framework.com. You can see from the above capture how easy and simple it is.
All done my fellow computer repair-ers.
Over and out