Refine computer repairs in Strathmore
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MobileGeeks computer maintenance will deliver on location skilled professional, secured and high-quality computer upkeep and upkeep carrier 7 days a week.
Strathmore historical note
Strathmore is a suburb of Melbourne located 10 km north-west from the central district of the city. The area it’s under the local government of the City of Moonee Valley. According to the 2016 census the suburb had a population of 8,419 inhabitants.
First purchasers bought lands in the area between 1843 and 1845. Rev. John Sinclair suggested the name in 1836 and used for his church. The Valley of Strathmore in Scotland valley inspired this name because he was living close to. The first post office opened in 1953. Nowadays many facilities are located in the area including schools, transports, shops and sports clubs.