How To Drag Files to the Taskbar to Open Them in Windows 7

By 20/01/2012How To

I’ve always dropped files directly into the Quick Launch bar allowing me to quickly and easily open them in the application the shortcut points to, however Windows 7 now no longer allows you to do that – by default at least.

So now, when you try and drag a file onto the taskbar it offers to *Pin to application* for you rather than allowing it to be opened.

How To Drag Files to the Taskbar to Open Them in Windows 7 1

If you right-click the taskbar button, you’ll see that now that file has been pinned there with it either not opening, or being asked if you want to open it.

How To Drag Files to the Taskbar to Open Them in Windows 7 2

What you need to do here is hold the shift key while dragging the file to the taskbar button. It will now change to *Open with Application* instead of being pinned.

How To Drag Files to the Taskbar to Open Them in Windows 7 3

Just a very simple tip,  but one that can save you a lot of time. We hope this helped.

Over and out


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